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Diversity and Inclusion
Committee Chair:
Max Ross
Committee Members:
Denise McGoldrick, City of Kitchener
Fariha Mannan, Region of Durham
Arumuga Ganesan, RV Anderson
Jason Chan, RV Anderson
Margie Chung, City of Vaughan
Indra Maharjan, City of Hamilton
Siva Kanagananthan, RV Anderson
Chetan Shah, City of Toronto
Jeremiah Nahwegahbow, City of Kitchener
Mishaal Rizwan, RJ Burnside
Committee Chair:
Doug Keenie, RJ Burnside and Associates
Committee Members:
Enrico Stradiotto, Ontario Concrete Pipe Association
Don Kudo, County of Wellington
Jennifer Rose, Region of Waterloo
Angela Storey, City of Hamilton
Denise McGoldrick, City of Kitchener
Ed Dujlovic, Retired
Max Ross, Retired
Marco Bertioa, City of Toronto
Awards Committee
Committee Co-Chairs:
Adam Lachhman, York Region
Chris Anders, RV Anderson
Committee Members:
Tracey Anastacio, City of Brampton
Michelle Moore, Niagara Region
Nazreen Subhan, Peel Region
Bryan Akiri
Communications Committee
Committee Chair:
Marco Bertioa, City of Toronto
Committee Members:
Fariha Mannan, Region of Durham
Brian Barber, OPWA
Paulo Israel, City of Toronto
Education Committee
Committee Chair:
Tricia Hamilton, (Chair) Ontario First Nations Technical Services
Committee Members:
Enrico Stradiotto, Ontario Concrete Pipe Association
Alexander Andrenkov, Halton Region
Bavendan Paramsothy, RV Anderson
Don Kudo, County of Wellington
Philip Rowe, RJ Burnside & Associates
Max Ross, Retired
Membership Committee
Committee Chair:
Sam Sidawi, (Chair) Region of Peel
Committee Members:
Steven DiPietro, City of Guelph
Don Kudo, County of Wellington
Denise McGoldrick, City of Kitchener
Brian Barber, OPWA
ROW Management Committee
Click here for more information
Special Functions Committee
Committee Chair:
Angela Storey, City of Hamilton
Committee Members:
Kealy Deadman, City of Guelph
Mark Zamoic, GM Blueplan
Jeff Johnson, Joe Johnson Equipment
Zoran Postic, City of Vaughan
Steven Piper, Galaxy Plastics
Brian Barber, OPWA
Young Professionals Committee
Our Mission: Connecting the Young Professional Public Works Community
Our Vision: As Young Professionals, our professional growth and success are advanced through mutual support, knowledge sharing and relationship building.
Committee Chairs:
Fariha Mannan, (Co-Chair) Region of Durham
Haider Nasrullah, (Co-Chair) ADS
Committee Members:
Kathleen Vijayakumar , RV Anderson
Brandon Ng, RV Anderson
Sanwal Gilani, TYLin Group
Mishaal Rizwan, RJ Burnside
Selvarasa Sarangan, RV Anderson
General Members:
General members are welcomed to participate and share their opinion on groups activities and events
To join the young professional group, please email the committee chair. As a general member, you will be invited to participate in our meetings and group activities, as well as be the first to hear about our events. Students are also welcome.
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